Animated Title Sequence | Book
Stolen is moving from print to film. This movement will be enhanced by a book cover design, promotional materials and a title sequence. “A book’s cover is the first thing a potential reader sees and it can make a lasting impression.” According to Smashwords founder, Coker, “there’s a clear connection between great covers and great sales. In addition to promising what a book will deliver, the cover image also promises (or fails to promise) that the author is a professional, and that the book will honor the reader’s time.”
Critics and readers alike are supportive of products that display care and thoughtfulness. Author of Stolen, Lucy Christopher, supports her book, film and fan base through book signings. At these signings will be the promotional materials that connect fans to the event and story. When the story is shown on screen, there will be visual connections for those who have read the story, and those that have not will be engrossed in the mood and tone of the story before the first frame begins. Title sequences are the book cover of film.
This book is by the lovely Lucy Christopher (I highly recommend it): http://www.amazon.com/Stolen-Lucy-Chr...
Music by Kai Engel http://freemusicarchive.org/music/Kai...
Edits to Music File- Crops 45.604-1:07.718 45.601-46.067 0-05.000 50-1.07.718