App Design & Logo Animation
BLAZE is an app designed to help users develop a positive mindset. It focuses on the top 5 mindset setbacks: Change, focus, fitness, positivity and letting go. A key feature of BLAZE is that it provides a community that users can choose to participate in and is without social currency. As explained by award winning digital marketer, Bailey Parnell, “Social currency is something we use to attribute value- Likes, shares... The economy of attention. The problem in social media is that we are the product. We are letting others attribute value to us.” It is this concept that links social disorders and depression with social media.
Being a new app, BLAZE lacks the recognition of main media icons. An animated logo will provide the new app a level of professionalism and modern action. According to New York Ave, animated logos also hold viewer attention, increase brand awareness, and introduce the user to the mood of the app before using.
A goal of BLAZE is to avoid aggressive advertising. The ultimate goals is to spread primarily via word-of-mouth, but until then, a Microsite will boost awareness. Microsites have an SEO advantage, provide a focused presentation on what the brand and app is about, increases public interest and is cost efficient.
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